Monthly Archives: October 2014

Five Things My Big Sisters Need to Know


Growing up as the youngest of five sisters, I was always told how lucky I am to be the “bunso” in the family. However, my experiences can provide ample evidence supporting the contrary, but, this post is not about that. This post is actually one that reinforces the fact that, indeed, I am lucky, or rather blessed, to have big sisters in my life.

To my “ates” heads up!

1. I look up to you.

The four of you are my standard of what a woman, a mother, and a person should be. I respect you in everything that you do and am really amazed by how dedicated and loving you are to your families and especially to your kids.

2. I am  so proud of you.

I know we all have our insecurities, or our bad days but please know that I have been, am, and will always be proud of you. No matter how many mistakes, missteps, or silly decisions you may make, you always have my back.

3. I am jealous of you.

Since you all came before me, you all have experienced different versions of mom and I am quite jealous of the fact that you get to experience mommy as the “first-time mom” or the “fashionista mom” and the like.

4. I am grateful of you.

You gave me seven really wonderful nieces and nephews who are basically just my younger siblings (with the way I treat them). Thank you, thank you, thank you for making my life really colorful with my lovely “pamangkins.”

5. I am happy to have you in my life.

I know I can’t choose my sisters, but I’m glad that God entrusted you, four, to me. He is so cool, because He gave me four of the most beautiful, caring, understanding, and supportive sisters in the world! I couldn’t ask for more!

Loving you always,

Sweetheart ❤ aka thepurplebliss

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Here and Now


Have you ever felt powerless? Insufficient? Lacking? At some point in time of our lives, we have those days when these negative feelings cover our minds and hearts. There are days when no matter how hard you try, it seems like what you’re doing is still not enough. No matter how much you give, it still doesn’t suffice.

However, despite all the negative thoughts, don’t forget to put room for a little sunshine. Think, “What I’m doing may not be enough, but I’m doing something.” Say, “I may not be giving much, but I’m giving nonetheless.” Acknowledge the fact, that you are in constant motion. Embrace the reality that you are doing so much better today then you were yesterday. You may still be far from reaching your goals, but you are living every day in a manner that will surely bring you to where you want to be.

So when all hope seems scarce and when you feel like the end is near, remember, here and now is actually just the beginning. Don’t give up! We are all in this together! ❤



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